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‘The Virgin is with Child’ (Is.7.14ff)’ – An Advent Weekend Retreat
15th December – 17th December

During this Advent residential weekend retreat we will reflect and pray with the pregnant Virgin Mother of God, awaiting the birth of her child. How this birth fulfils the prophetic and messianic longing of the ancient Hebrews and our own deepest longings will be explored. This retreat will invite us to enter into mystery of the waiting and expectancy of Advent in order to experience in a new way the power and promise of the Incarnation of the Word of God. 

Date: December 15th-17th

Time: Friday 19.00 to Sunday 12.00 noon (UK)

Venue: Carmelite Priory, Boars Hill, Oxford

Led by: Fr Liam Finnerty, OCD and the Carmelite Retreat Team

Suggested donation: £65 (In-person) / £250 (residential)

These talks will be made available for later viewing to all those who register.

Residential Retreat:

Arrival: Friday evening 15th December

Departure: Sunday 17th December at lunchtime

Meet Our Speaker

Fr Liam Finnerty, OCD

Fr Liam Finnerty, OCD is a Carmelite priest and holds degrees in Theology and Social Work from Milltown Institute, Dublin and Glasgow University, respectively. Fr Liam has many years of experience in the retreat ministry and mentoring.

Registration Details

You can choose to either attend in person (day attendance) or as a residential retreatant. If you opt for residential, please complete the attached form after payment is made.

In person Retreat £65

Residential Retreat £250