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Evening of Reflection
Teresa’s Four Water’s in Word, Image and Song

Please join us for a relaxing evening sharing in Carmelite spirituality through music and art. We hope you will come away from this evening
event enriched by the special commissioned beautiful music from world acclaimed composer Sr. Claire Sokol.

Teresa’s Four Waters in Word, Image and Sing Trailer

Teresa’s Four Waters in Word, Image and Song, is a tapestry of beautiful music, original art and gorgeous natural scenery. It’s woven together with an eye to inviting you into a deeper awareness of God’s presence, beauty, peace and love dwelling within you and within all creation.

You will also feel inspired to develop your own prayer life with God after seeing Sr. Sa Ra Lee’s iconic art and photo exhibition.
Our Evening of Reflection is also included as part of our Scripture and Spirituality Conference.

Our Hosts

Sr. Claire Sokol, OCD
“The contemplative life naturally gives
itself to artists and their work.
Out of the contemplative life, artistic
expression flows very naturally.
This can take many forms,
including visual art and music.”

Sr. Sa Ra Lee, OCD
“Painting is like breathing for me;
it is natural communication between me
and this world.
I want to share peace, harmony, and
beauty with others through my paintings.”

An Evening of Music

“During my years as a professional musician I felt something was missing. When I discovered Carmel I knew I had come home.
The life of prayer has served to unlock a world within me that I never knew existed. In this space of vulnerability to the Holy,
I am slowly being transformed into a different sort of musician…one whose very life seeks to echo the Beauty of the Divine in our world.”

Canticle of Love by Sr. Claire Sokol, OCD

An Evening of Art

“Seeing is a way of knowing, and it is a gift we receive from God. I explore and communicate when I paint to know what I am seeing. When I paint, I let my brush strokes, drippings, and all my actions meet on the canvas.

Painting is like breathing for me; it is natural communication between me and this world. I want to share peace, harmony, and beauty with others through my paintings.”

Below are two pieces of beautiful art by Sr. Sa Ra Lee

Evening Schedule

Evening of Reflection Schedule: Sunday, 11th July 2021

7:00 pm      Welcome and Introduction of the Evening Programme

7:05 pm      Presentation of Sr. Sa Ra and Sr. Claire Sokol

7:10 pm Video presentation of Teresa’s Four Waters in Word, Image and Song

7:50 pm      Break (10 minutes)

8:00 pm      Reflections with Sr. Sa Ra and Sr. Claire Sokol on their work

8:30 pm      Feedback and shared thoughts from the audience

8:45 pm      Shared Silence, Benediction & Close of Conference / Evening

Teresa’s Four Waters: In Word, Image and Song
An Evening of Celebration of Carmelite Spirituality through Word, Music & Art

Sr. Sa Ra Lee

Sr. Sa Ra is a Carmelite sister and grew up in Korea and studied Fine Art at University. She then obtained her second Master’s degree in art in San Francisco, all the while having a large hole in her life, which she later realised to be a deep longing for God. For Sr Sa Ra she found painting to be a way to tell her story of prayer and intimacy with God.
You can learn more about Sr. Sa Ra Lee and her art here.

Sr. Claire Sokol

Sr. Claire Sokol was originally a professional orchestral-chamber musician when she felt a calling to the religious life and ended her soul searching at the Seattle Carmelite monastery

You can find more information about Sr. Claire Sokol and her music here

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