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Contemplative Reading: Lectio Divina
13th November 2021
2:45pm-4:25pm via Zoom
“Lectio Divina is an opportunity to slow down and experience God’s Word deeply. An opportunity to savor the words of Scripture, to sit at God’s table, to be nourished, fed and refreshed. An invitation to be fully present with our holy God.“
Lectio divina is an ancient Christian practice of prayerful reflection on the word of God. In the scriptures, we encounter God in a deeply personal way. Experiencing this personal encounter in the context of a community journeying together in the love of God can be very powerful and transformative. This session will explore how to approach the scriptures in a prayerful way and allow the word of God to draw us deeper into the mystery of the Word among us.
This online talk will inspire you to delve deeper into scripture and be nurtured by the word of God.
2:45pm – Zoom opens
3:00pm – 3:05pm Welcome, Introduction and Opening Prayer
3:05pm – 3:40pm Session One
3:40pm – 3:50pm Break
3:50pm – 4:25pm Session Two
4:25pm – Concluding prayers
We hope to see you there!
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