In preparation for the 2025 Jubilee Year ‘Pilgrims of Hope’, 2024 has been designated a Year of Prayer by Pope Francis. So join us for a year long programme dedicated to prayer, where we will provide weekly podcasts, videos and materials to aid you in your prayer life.

“Prayer is an intimate sharing between friends; it means taking time frequently to be alone with Him who we know loves us.”

Saint Teresa of Avila

Welcome to our Living Prayer Podcast, a weekly journey designed to deepen your spiritual life, and unveil the beauty of prayer as a sacred friendship with God. Rooted in the profound teachings of Carmelite saints and Carmelite spirituality, this series is crafted to be a guiding light and a fount of spiritual refreshment especially for this 2024, the Year of Prayer.

Throughout the year, we will delve into an array of enriching topics aimed at nurturing your prayer life. From exploring the prayerful lessons drawn from biblical figures like Moses, Job, Paul, Jesus, and Mary to discovering the essence of prayer as depicted in the Gospels, each episode will illuminate new facets of prayer.

Our discussions will not only center around individual prayer but also embrace the transformative power of praying in community, the timeless wisdom encapsulated in the Psalms, and the art of navigating through times of distractions, dryness, and darkness that can be part of the experience of prayer.

Moreover, we will explore the profound interplay between prayer and spiritual direction, understanding how struggling in prayer can be a catalyst for growth and the role of virtues in nurturing a deeper connection with the Lord.

Drawing from the invaluable insights of Carmelite saints, each episode will be a doorway into a different dimension of prayer. Teresa of Avila invites us to embark on an adventure in love, while John of the Cross sheds light on navigating the varying seasons of our spiritual journey. Therese of Lisieux teaches us the beauty of resting with God, and Brother Lawrence of the Resurrection illuminates the practice of presence in prayer.

Our aim is to empower you to not only embrace prayer as a spiritual practice but to make it an integral part of your everyday life—an enriching, transformative adventure that leads you closer to the heart of God. Join us on this sacred pilgrimage, where prayer becomes a profound dialogue of love and communion.

Meet some of our hosts

Fr. Alex Ezechukwu is a Carmelite priest and serves as the prior of the Carmelite community at Boars Hill, Oxford. Fr Alex is a trained spiritual director with many years of pastoral experience in guidance in the spiritual life. He holds a Licence in Sacred Scripture from the Pontifical Biblical Institute, Rome. Fr Alex also serves as the co-director of CACS.

Fr Liam Finnerty, OCD is a Carmelite priest and holds degrees in Theology and Social Work from Milltown Institute, Dublin and Glasgow University, respectively. Fr Liam has many years of experience in the retreat ministry and mentoring.

Fr Matthew Blake is a Carmelite priest. Originally from Ireland, he has lived and worked  in the UK for more than thirty years. His ministry has mainly involved retreat direction, for which he is well-known in the UK, and he has also worked in many different parishes.

Susan Muto, Ph. D., is executive director of the Epiphany Association and dean of the Epiphany Academy of Formative Spirituality. She holds a doctorate in English literature from the University of Pittsburgh. Dr. Muto has been teaching the literature of ancient, medieval, and modern spirituality for over forty years.

Focus topics will include:

The Four Waters of Prayer

The Fruits of Prayer

Distractions in Prayer: Nuisance and Gift


Spiritual Direction and Prayer

Struggling in Prayer

Praying in the Company of Mary

Praying with the Gospels

Prayer as an Adventure in Love

Praying through Difficult Transitions

Praying with the Psalms

How Can Anyone Pray “Always”?

How Do I Pray Today?

…… and much more 

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